With Father’s Day fast approaching, it’s a great time to start thinking about what gift would be perfect to celebrate the father figure in your life. Father’s Day is meant to honor fatherhood and the bond of fatherhood, and consider sending a beautiful bouquet of flowers to recognize all they’ve done this June.
Flowers are an often overlooked gift for dads, but they’re always a great way to brighten someone’s day! When it comes to finding the right flowers or houseplants for your dad, you can personalize the bouquet or choose an arrangement based on his preferences – so you know he’ll love them. Here are our favorite Father’s Day arrangements for your dad:
Go for something bright and bold
You can never go wrong with a gorgeous, beautiful bouquet of flowers. Teleflora’s Blue Caribbean arrangement features yellow Asiatic lilies, red miniature gerberas, purple Matsumoto asters, red spray roses and yellow alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery. This bright bouquet feels like a tropical paradise and is sure to catch your dad’s attention every time he sees them.
Or, consider Teleflora’s Blue Bouquet Beauty to show dad how much you love and appreciate him this June. With blue hydrangea, cream roses, white oriental lilies, white alstroemeria, purple statis and lavender Limonium, these flowers are the perfect addition to any home. The father figure in your life will surely love the air of peace and beauty he brings to any of his favorite spaces.
Choose a keepsake vase that she will love
If bright and bold flowers aren’t her style, it’s a good idea to look for a vase that will catch her eye instead. Teleflora’s ’67 Chevy Camaro arrangement may be just what you’re looking for. This colorful bouquet includes red spray roses, miniature yellow gerberas, white alstroemeria, and yellow button spray chrysanthemums arranged in a black vintage Camaro ceramic keepsake. What better way to spend Father’s Day?
Another arrangement and keepsake your dad will love this June is his favorite Ford F1 Pickup by Teleflora. This living arrangement features a variety of succulents delivered in Teleflora’s exclusive ’48 Ford Pickup collection memorabilia. These unique pieces are sure to put a smile on his face this Father’s Day and remind him that you think he’s the best guy around.
Choose a Sweet Houseplant
If your dad prefers a houseplant to bring a touch of life to his favorite spaces, consider Teleflora’s Emerald Garden Basket or Teleflora’s Lucky Bamboo this June. Whether your dad prefers a mix of stunning greenery or bamboo shoots, these pieces can add an element of natural beauty wherever they’re placed.
This Father’s Day, take the time to find the perfect gift for your dad and remind him how grateful you are for everything he does. No matter what arrangement or houseplant you choose this June, the father figure in your life will appreciate the thought and effort you put into it. Discover our favorite Father’s Day Flowers today before it’s too late.